
Here is all the latest news and details of what has been happening at Taylor & Perry Garden Maintenance Services:

The residents of Hesslewell Court would like to thank Taylor & Perry and their team who volunterred time and muscle to help create a safer environment for residents, including sponsoring the much appreciated shredder to help clear the felled trees and shrubs. Work started early morning on Monday 18th July and was all but completed three days later. Whilst there was some inconvenience to residents, carers and relatives, passing comments were supportive for the exercise. Several objectives were identified and met through the sessions. The boulders buried over time under the pines were exposed, cleaned and re-sited to protect residents from vehicles being parked on the pavement up the drive. Overhanging trees impinging on our neighbours were cut back and a mountain of cuttings created as the driveway was thinned out. A few ugly bushes were also removed in the front and rear gardens all in all providing the residents with safer access and clearer views.
Taylor & Perry offered their services and assisted Jigsaw Neighbourhood Solutions - part of Liverpool Housing Trust (LHT) in the Beechwood estate being awarded for their horticultural excellence at this year's North West Britain in Bloom 'It's Your Neighbourhood' Awards. The Beechwood estate, which was entered into the large neighbourhood category, received a Level 4 Thriving Award. As well as general landscaping improvements such as removing thorny shrub beds and replacing with new turf, the team assisted in planting new flower beds and trees.

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